Guidelines to determine access to water supply
It is important you read these guidelines in conjunction with our other resources and Backflow Policy.
In order for Riverina Water to determine access to water supply for large developments, commercial developments, multiple dwellings or rural consumers, an application must be lodged with our Works Engineer.
Requirements & considerations
- Riverina Water has a number of Water Supply Zones in the area of supply. This must be taken into consideration when planning or proposing a development. Elevations, system capacity, and available pressure in a specific Supply Zone, can have severe impacts on the level of service that may be able to be obtained by the proposed development.
- Statement of Fees
- Refer to our Guidelines to Determine Water Service Connections for details on how to obtain a Statement of Fees, as well as the conditions under which it is issued.
- Developments should all follow a designated staging plan that forms the overall master plan.
- Developments not following designated stages will need to, in writing, make a submission to Riverina Water's Works Engineer in order to make provisions for the supply of water reticulation.
- A customer wishing to connect to Riverina Water Reticulation will be liable for the cost of any extensions or upgrades required to serve their dwelling. This includes works such as the upgrade of a specific section of main to a larger size, or the extension of an existing main to the boundary of the new assessment wishing to connect.
- All mains are to be extended at a minimum size of 100mm. Exemptions for exceptional circumstances may be granted upon the submission to the Director of Engineering at Riverina Water.
- Mains Extensions and Reticulation upgrade costs are in addition to the Service Connection Fee and Development Servicing Charge.
- To access a Water Filling Station customers are required to complete an application form and purchase an iButton from Riverina Water.
- To operate the unit customers connect a hose with Camlock fittings, swipe their iButton, and press the on and off button. Readings from each unit are automatically transmitted back to Riverina Water for billing. All users must agree to follow the NSW Health Water Carting Guidelines.
- Minimal Overhead Standpipes are still in operation. These have custodians who are responsible for the key and deal directly with the local Council.
- The use of metered portable standpipes in Riverina Water hydrants is unauthorised and strictly prohibited other than for the exclusive use of councils and fire brigade services (for fire-fighting purposes).
- Unauthorised access to Riverina Water hydrants is subject to prosecution.
- Riverina Water actively and vigorously monitors unauthorised use of mains in the service area.
- Any request for use of the Hydrant for other purposes that in the point above, should be directed to Riverina Water's Manager Works on 02 6922 0657.
The information provided in this section is of a general nature. More specific developer requirements regarding water supply should be obtained by contacting us.
- Riverina Water have an information pack available ("Riverina Water Water Supply Information Pack for Developers") that will assist developers ensure proper provision is made for water supply in their planning, design and construction phases of development.
- Riverina Water is responsible for the design and construction of water supply infrastructure associated with the development.
- The developer is responsible for certain fees and charges (payable to Riverina Water) associated with provisions of water supply to the development. These costs include, but may not be limited to, Developer Servicing Charges, Water Supply Pipelines and Water Service Connections. The "Riverina Water Water Supply Information Pack for Developers" will provide more detailed information regarding these developer fees and charges.
- Early engagement between developers and Riverina Water is essential for a streamlined and efficient process of supplying water to the proposed development. Developers are also encouraged to include Wagga Wagga City Council and other utility providers in this early engagement so that a coordinated approach is taken towards location of the various facilities, services and utilities within the development.
- Early engagement will also familiarise the developer with the formal Riverina Water application process for servicing their proposed development with water.
- Developers should discuss their proposed development with Riverina Water at concept stage. This will allow identification of any major water supply issues that may require changes to the concept plan.
- Wagga Wagga City Council require a "Certificate of Compliance - Water Supply" from Riverina Water before they will issue a Certificate of Practical Completion for the development. Riverina Water will not issue this certificate until:-
a. all associated developer payments to Riverina Water have been made,
b. all water supply reticulation for the development has been constructed and
c. Any other Riverina Water requirements associated with the development have been satisfied by the developer.
- Riverina Water is responsible for making determinations on trickle feed, or limited supply.
- Riverina Water serves to the boundary of the property being supplied. Exemptions in extraordinary circumstances by the Director of Engineering at Riverina Water only.
- Residential lots are entitled to one connection only.
- No connections to a Riverina Water water main sized less than 100mm will be approved. Exemptions in extraordinary circumstances by the Director of Engineering at Riverina Water only.
- No new master meter or subtract meter systems will be approved, in urban or rural areas. Opportunistic corrections regarding master meter systems will be evaluated on a case-by-case process. Applications should be made to the Works Engineer at Riverina Water.
- Any connections involving the crossing of a Rail Corridor (Functional or Redundant) should contact Riverina Water's Works Engineer for more information. Typically these connections will be hugely cost and time involved.
- Commercial / Industrial properties may obtain one domestic connection in addition to a designated Fire Service.
- Commercial and Industrial developments must have frontage onto a minimum of a 150mm main.
- In order to remain or become a customer of Riverina Water - any commercial / industrial development MUST obtain a Certificate of Compliance from Riverina Water prior to drawing water from the authorities main. Obtaining this certificate may require payment of applicable S64 Developer Servicing Charges for a new development, or a change of use.
- Any additional reticulation work required to be installed or upgraded in order to supply the proposed development must be met by the developer.
- A Plumbing Permit must be taken out by the plumber with Riverina Water prior to the commencement of any onsite plumbing work.
- Riverina Water does NOT permit direct pumping out of mains under any circumstances. The internal hydraulics should be designed accordingly.
Backflow Prevention must be considered in accordance with Policy 2.1, Backflow Prevention Policy.