Enriching Communities

Supporting grassroots iniatives in our supply area

2024/25 Enriching Communities grants program recipients

We do more than supply water, we enrich the lives of our community.

In 2024/25, Riverina Water provided $100,000 in grant funding for grassroots projects across our supply area. The program has now been finalised with successful recipients listed below. 

Greater Hume Council


Project description

Funding approved

Holbrook Meals and Wheels

Purchase tables and chairs to facilitate the creation of a community space behind the current Meals on Wheels premises, to host cooking groups, social functions, exercise groups and intergenerational events. 


Holbrook Cricket Club Incorporated

Storage shed to house equipment and bowling machine at the existing training facility.



Henty & District Lifestyle Centre Incorporated

Fitness equipment to conduct a chair yoga program



Lockhart Shire Council


Project description

Funding approved

Lions Club of Lockhart


To purchase large outdoor Christmas tree at the lagoon as part of an ongoing Christmas activation program in Lockhart.



The Rock Recreation Ground Management Committee

Irrigation equipment to reduce mineral load in bore water that is inhibiting growth on the main oval.



Country Women’s Association of NSW

The CWA rooms have been eaten out by white ants. The floors require replacing in three rooms. 


The Rock Meals on Wheels Association Inc

To organise a community garden project for its social support group.


Lockhart Recreation Ground Management Committee

Install a drinking fountain at the Lockhart Community Gym.



Wagga Wagga City Council


Project description

Funding approved

Toy Library Wagga Wagga

Install outdoor, code-entry toy lockers that will allow members to order their toys online and pickup at time convenient to them.



Pro Patria Centre

Renewal of downpipes, gutters, stormwater pipes and drains which will enable the recycling of stormwater into new ponds in the garden development.



Oura Progress Association

Rejuvenate the currently under-utilised dirt tennis courts located in the grounds of the Oura Hall by installing an inground basketball hoop and in-ground netball hoop at either end of the southernmost court.



Mangoplah Cookardinia United Eastlakes Football Club

Irrigation system for the Oliver Mohr Junior Oval to facilitate club days and minimise water waste.



Mountain Bike Wagga Wagga

Installing up to 250 trail signs through the 50km Pomingalarna Reserve.



Erin Earth


Weatherproofing the Volunteer Hub with the installation of a permanent outdoor guided blind system to protect volunteers from the sun in summer and create a useable space in winter. 



Galore Branch CWA of NSW

To tile the bathrooms, which are currently concrete floors that are difficult to clean.



Federation Council


Project description

Funding approved

Rand Hall Committee


Install new stage curtains to replace existing ones which are no longer useable.


Urana Progress Association

Replace the old, antiquated toilet block at Urana Courthouse for the benefit of museum volunteers and visitors.




Grant guidelines

Grant program objectives

Applications must meet at least one of our Enriching Communities Program objectives

Our Community

For community organisations to undertake projects that benefit the wider community

Health & Wellbeing

Initiatives and programs that enhance and promote healthy lifestyles, wellbeing, inclusion and social connection

Water Conservation & Education

Projects and initiatives that promote water wise behaviour and/or conserve water through efficiency improvements

Arts & Culture

For projects that provide opportunities for the community to participate in a broad range of arts and cultural activities that enhance quality of life

Sustainability & Environment

Support for community projects and initiatives that are beneficial for our natural environment

Important information

Applications open: 9am, Monday 16 September 2024

Applications close: 9am, Monday 28 October 2024 for Wagga City. Deadline extended until 8am, 4 November for all other areas.

Assessment of applications and administration: 29 October to 30 November 2024

Approval of grant allocations: Mid-December 2024 (Board Meeting)

Notification to successful applicants: By 20 December 2024

Deadline for project completion and acquittal: 31 January 2026

Late applications will not be processed

Total funding pool: $100,000


Funding pool

Maximum grant amount

Wagga Wagga City Council


Grants up to $20,000

Lockhart Shire Council


Grants up to $20,000

Greater Hume Council


Grants up to $20,000

Federation Council


Grants up to $20,000

Please read the grant guidelines thoroughly for more information before applying for a grant.

  • Check your eligility before applying
  • Do not leave your applications until the last minute
  • Incomplete applications cannot be submitted and will not be considered
  • All questions are mandatory
  • Applicants can receive one grant per LGA
  • Refer to the grant program objectives when completing your application (see guidelines for details)
  • Ensure your project can be delivered in the timeframe.
  • Your project must be delivered in the Riverina Water supply area (see guidelines for details)
  • Preference is given to applicants in the Riverina Water supply area (see guidelines for details)


Applicants can contact our Community Engagement team with any additional questions not included in the grant guidelines, or to clarify any information. Please make sure to begin your application early and allow a few days for a response if contacting our team.

Riverina Water cannot guarantee that staff will be available to answer queries about grant applications at the last moment before submissions close.

Email: community@rwcc.nsw.gov.au

Phone (business hours): 6922 0608

Previous grants program recipients

In 2023/24 over $100,000 in grant funding was provided to fund 13 grassroots projects across our supply area. Successful recipients are listed below:

Federation Council

  • Morundah Bush Entertainment Committee: To install a solar panel system to run watering pumps and power the theatre; to also landscape the area surrounding the theatre and reuse the rainwater collected onsite ($2,000)
  • Oaklands Memorial Hall: To cement and stencil an 18 x 9 m area between the Hall and Milthope Street, Oaklands ($14,600)
  • Urana Progress Association: To enhance the environment in the Urana Free-Flight Bird Aviary by providing a water feature and other items ($3,400)


Greater Hume Council

  • Walla Walla Sportsground Management Committee: Resurfacing of netball courts ($8,000)
  • Holbrook Meals on Wheels: To replace a current freezer with 2 stand-alone commercial freezers, which will use 1/3 the energy ($12,000)


Lockhart Shire Council

  • Lockhart Golf Club Inc: To install reverse cycle air conditioning in the clubhouse ($8,985)
  • Lockhart & District Historical Society: For appropriate display cases and mannequins to showcase two rare collections of prize-winning woolen garments at Greens Gunyah Museum ($7,015)
  • The Rock Meals on Wheels: For a blast chiller to freeze meals to standard and a pie warmer to keep meals hot between dishing up and delivery ($4,000)


Wagga Wagga City Council

  • Cycling Without Age Wagga Chapter: Covering the costs of resources focusing on the health and safety of volunteers ($4,000)
  • Wagga Wagga Tibetan Community Australia: To purchase traditional decorations and performance costumes to be used at the Tibetan New Year celebration and other events ($5,190)
  • NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors: For culturally appropriate, inclusive, and trauma-informed swimming and water safety classes to women from refugee/asylum seeking backgrounds ($6,800)
  • Riding for the Disabled Wagga: To replace the sprinkler system in undercover arena, to dampen the sand in the arena before being used by riders ($17,010)
  • Wagga Basketball: For a new electronic score bench for main show court, to facilitate scoring for local and interstate teams through local and state league competitions ($7,000)


More than $465,000 in funding is flowing to 46 projects thanks to Riverina Water’s 2021-22 Community Grants Program.

Wagga Wagga City Council

Community Projects and Facilities


Project description

Funding approved

Oura Progress Association

Covered pergola for community centre



Trailer to support clean up and habitat restoration activities


The Bike Canteen

Refurbish bikes and provide them to community members to improve social connection


Galore CWA

Split system air conditioner to make community space useable year-round


Cancer Patients Foundation

Look Good, Feel Better workshops to support cancer patients


Sunflower House

Renovate and reseal floors


South Wagga Rotary Club

Rocky Hill Regeneration Project


Generocity Church

Equipment to establish Op Shop in Kooringal



Accessible sensory garden


Tolland Wolves FC

Full size moveable goal to increase training capacity


Tarcutta CWA

Solar panels


Taster Property

Establish an Indigenous garden



Water Conservation


Project description

Funding approved

Lillier Lodge

Upgrade of water irrigation system to make it water wise


Riverina Environmental Education Centre

Cultural land management garden


Wagga Wagga Netball

Water bottle refill and drinking fountain station at Exhibition Centre netball precinct


Pro Patria Centre

Upgrade irrigation system for kitchen garden project


Kurrajong Waratah

Water bottle refill stations at Hildasid Farm



Arts and Culture


Project description

Funding approved

Uranquinty Preschool

First Nations art project with preschool children


Nicole McHenry

Three local artists using wool stories as inspiration


Freeroam Theatre

Production of two Australian plays


Riverina Conservatorium of Music

Christmas community concert



Multicultural Youth Art Group


Elaine Camlin Artist

Print making workshops


Friends of the Wagga Wagga Art Gallery

Mandala workshops


North Wagga Public School

Art project centred on waterways and floodplain


Greg Pritchard

Murrumbidgee River audio tour


Generocity Church Wagga Wagga

Mural project



Greater Hume

Community Projects and Facilities


Project description

Funding approved

Walla Walla Community Development Committee

Next stage of Walla Fitness Park project – installing shade sails


Henty Creative Gallery

Split system to make space useable year-round


Holbrook Sporting Complex

Coolroom for the sporting complex’s multipurpose community building


Holbrook Submarine Museum

Install military-style lighting and repaint the submarine


Henty Respite Limited

Assist with landscaping project for Avondale Place


Holbrook Anglican Church

Split system air-conditioning unit to make space useable year-round


Holbrook Amateur Swimming Club

Storage for club equipment



Arts and Culture


Project description

Funding approved

Harold Gretton (auspiced by Riverina Conservatorium of Music)

Classical music tour and school workshops



Lockhart Shire Council

Community Projects and Facilities


Project description

Funding approved

The Rock Recreation Ground

Shade sail for playground


Greens Gunyah Museum

Fencing for museum site


Lockhart and District Little Athletics Club

Water tank to allow the grounds to be used year-round


The Rock Showground Management Committee

Fully enclose existing shed and lay concrete to connect the shed and pavilion



Water Conservation


Project description

Funding approved

Explorers Rifle Club Lockhart

Installation of rainwater tanks and pumps



Arts and Culture


Project description

Funding approved

Harold Gretton (Auspiced by Riverina Conservatorium of Music)

Classical music tour and school workshops



Federation Council

Community Projects and Facilities


Project description

Funding approved

Urana Progress Association

Containers to expand the Urana Courthouse Museum exhibitions


Morundah Community Committee

Water infrastructure for team yarding events


Urana Arts

Reactivating the Urana Soldiers Hall as a community centre for film screenings, exhibitions and workshops


Waterfront Fitness Urana

Next stage of landscaping at Waterfront Pavilion and Fitness area



Arts and Culture


Project description

Funding approved

Harold Gretton (Auspiced by Riverina Conservatorium of Music)

Classical music tour and school workshops



Riverina Water Community Grants Program 2020/21

  • 66 projects funded
  • $612,836 awarded across Wagga Wagga City ($200,000), Lockhart ($110,000), Greater Hume ($156,733) and Federation ($153,360) councils
  • Applications almost doubled from the previous year, with 106 funding requests totalling $1.29M

Wagga Wagga City Council

Community Projects & Facilities


Project description

Funding approved

St Aidan's Presbyterian Church

Solar for Tulloch Lodge used by community groups


Forest Hill Public School

Construction and installation of new cricket nets


Wagga Wagga Rail Heritage Association

Preserve 1881 Railway Enginemen’s Barracks


Collingullie Glenfield Park Football Netball Club

Crossroads Oval lighting upgrade


Wagga Wagga Women’s Shed

Help construct ramp and handrails, and electrical upgrades and air-conditioning


Red Hill Public School

Yarning Circle and Indigenous Garden


Wagga City Rugby Male Choir

Purchase of risers for Choir


Wagga Wagga Four Wheel Drive Club Inc.

Purchase/construct a transportable toilet for bush training area


Wagga Wagga Meals on Wheels

Help replace 1998 Refrigerated Delivery Vehicle


Wagga Wagga Leagues Club Swimming Club

Help construct new under cover area including awning


Mangain Community Centre Committee

Replace floor coverings in kitchen


East Wagga Kooringal Football and Netball Club

Refurbish Change Rooms and Toilets



Fit for Life early morning program


Wagga Water Polo

Custom inflatable pontoon



Water Conservation


Project description

Funding approved

Kooringal High School

Irrigation system for yarning circle


The Leisure Company Disability Services

Nature strip works


Wagga Women's Health Centre

Rainwater tank for gardening group use


Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group

Educating landholders for improved water management


Wagga Wagga Riverina Lapidary Club

Renew piping and manage waste and storm water


St Saviour's Ladysmith

Rainwater tank



Arts & Culture


Project description

Funding approved

Kooringal Child Care Centre

Nature art workshops with children


Tin Shed Rattlers

50th anniversary album


Good Sport

Halfway Print Fest 2021


Kooringal High School

KHS creative engagement project with Yazidi


Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Wagga

Cultural transition/mentoring program for school students


Nikita Agzarian

The Float, a short film about 2 girls coming of age set in Wagga


Dr Greg Pritchard

Marrambidya River Festival - series of promenade events along river


Taster Property Inc.

Mural Workshop Project


Wagga Aboriginal Women's Group

Program focused on healing, wellbeing, cultural identity and the revitalization of culture.


Multicultural Council of Wagga Wagga

Local Rvwang and Kachin Burmese communities to build and construct 2 sets of Mnvor Pillar


Riverina Community College

Eight local emerging musicians working with highly regarded and experienced musicians


Lockhart Shire Council

Community Projects & Facilities


Project description

Funding approved

The Rock and District Men’s Shed

Install car park to improve safety


The Rock Pony Club

Concreting of shed floor


Spirit of the Land Committee

Purchase festival equipment instead of hiring each year


Greens Gunyah Museum

Insulation and new ceiling in Billabong Showroom


The Rock Museum

Insulate and line stud walls


The Rock Recreation Ground Management Committee

Solar panels to reduce ongoing costs


Urangeline Peace Hall

Paint hall exterior


The Rock & District Meals on Wheels

Install air conditioners, upgrade benchtop


Lockhart Football and Netball Club

Secure trailer for transporting equipment



Water Conservation


Project description

Funding approved

Greens Gunyah Museum

Install water tank, pipe/guttering & water wise gardens



Arts & Culture


Project description

Funding approved

Lockhart Central School

Mosaic mural on Wiradjuri history


Urangeline Peace Hall

Workshop mosaic/ceramic garden sculpture


Federation Council

Community Projects & Facilities


Project description

Funding approved

Morundah Bush Entertainment Committee

Theatre office refurbishment (food prep area & paint)


Urana Progress Association

Urana cemetery fencing


Urana Community Gym

Establish community gym


Rand Sports Ground Committee

Solar panels to assist with pumping water


Urana Tennis Club

Enhance courts area with seating and facilities


Urana Bowls Committee

Seating, storage shed, awning, landscaping for bowls


Victoria Park Recreation Committee

Outfit park facilities


Rand Hall Committee

Replace window sills, paint and fit doors


Urana Aquatic Leisure Centre

Fit out function room and meeting room



Water Conservation


Project description

Funding approved

Rand Sports Ground

Desilt dam and drainage works to catch rainwater


Oaklands Central School

Rainwater tank, pump and irrigation


Greater Hume Council

Community Projects & Facilities


Project description

Funding approved

Holbrook Show Society

Upgrade livestock precinct


Holbrook Community Gym

Accessibility improvements (doors, flooring, footpaths)


North Walla Tennis Club

Dismantle fence from 1965 and install new fence


Walbundrie Building Committee

Safer pathways at Walbundrie Recreation Ground


Walla Walla Community Development Committee

Outdoor fitness park for all ages and abilities


Woolpack Inn Museum Holbrook

Amenities upgrade


Holbrook Meals on Wheels

Install automatic door to help with accessibility


Henty Public School

Install bottle filling stations


Henty & District Cricket Club

New cricket nets


Holbrook Australian Rules Football Club

Install heating and cooling system in new multipurpose community building



Water Conservation


Project description

Funding approved

Henty Tidy Towns

Cemetery automatic watering system



Arts & Culture


Project description

Funding approved

Walla Walla Community Development Committee

Water tower mural


Riverina Water Community Grants Program 2019/20

  • $389,867 awarded to 42 projects across Federation, Greater Hume, Lockhart and Wagga Wagga Local Government Areas

Federation Council

Community Projects and Facilities

  • Morundah Bush Entertainment Committee: Supply and fit an industry standard projector at Morundah Hall to allow conferencing, movies and enhanced cultural experiences ($12,930)
  • Urana Progress Association: Replacement of lighting system with LEDs at Urana Bowling Club and construct a colourbond panel fence around the perimeter of the playing facility ($13,210)
  • Rand Sportsground Committee: Convert visitor showers into male toilets. Construct dividing wall in showers and fit out for nursing parents’ room. Create disabled toilet facilities ($17,000)

Water Conservation

  • Rand Sportsground Committee: Install water tank with pressure system and filtration for general purpose use ($3,500)


Greater Hume Council

Community Projects and Facilities

  • Walla Walla Sportsground Management Committee: Inside lining of walls and ceiling in function area of Clubhouse ($12,000)
  • Headlie Taylor Header Museum (Henty): Provide an interactive external touchscreen to increase visitor experience at the museum ($19,931)
  • Rotary Club of Holbrook Inc: A project in Henty, Walla Walla and Holbrook to erect large red bows in streetscape to encourage shopping locally during holiday and festive season ($2,606)
  • Holbrook Adult Riding Club Inc: Erection of a clubhouse to provide an office/kitchen using a modified shipping container and earthwork preparation for power and water connection ($8,690)


Lockhart Shire Council

Community Projects and Facilities

  • The Rock Recreation Ground Management Committee: Multipurpose storage and timekeeper shed ($19,000)
  • Milbrulong Hall Committee: Milbrulong water tower mural and outdoor space ($6,750)
  • The Rock Central School: Develop sensory garden at back of school and indigenous garden at front. To be used particularly for students who have sensory and or learning difficulties ($17,000)
  • Lockhart Football and Netball Club: Upgrade and renew BBQ facilities and provide an all-weather shelter for year round use ($18,700)

Water Conservation

  • The Rock Memorial Men’s Bowls: Water tank to water bowling greens and surrounds ($7,000)
  • Lockhart Golf Club Inc: Install two 10,000 litre water tanks at clubhouse and secondary water cart tank with pumps ($5,300)
  • Lockhart Progress Association: Replacement of plumbing with water saving devices and replacement of electric hot water system with instantaneous gas hot water at Lockhart Bowling Club ($8,950)

Arts and Culture

  • Lockhart & District Historical Society: A series of mosaic and indigenous painting workshops centered around the theme of the Murrumbidgee ($6,750)
  • Spirit of the Land Festival: Collaboration with Lockhart Central School to conduct four separate adult art workshops ($6,950)
  • The Rock Town Hall & Museum: Mosaic beginners’ workshops ($3,600)


Wagga Wagga City Council

Community Projects and Facilities

  • Anglican Parish of South Wagga: Replacement of church roof and hall St Alban’s Kooringal ($15,000)
  • Oura Progress Association: Resurfacing of Oura community tennis courts ($14,080)
  • Wagga Rugby League Inc: Installation of wireless scoreboard at Harris Park ($13,250)
  • Anglicare Riverina: Solar panels for the Ashmont Community Resource Centre ($13,232)
  • Service for the Treatment & Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors (STARTTS): Wagga Refugee youth participation program of workshops focusing on health & wellbeing, arts & culture and sport & recreation ($11,092)
  • Wagga Combined Hockey Association: Water refill station installation – 2nd hockey field ($7,000)
  • Wagga Men’s Shed: Installation of fire hydrant system to new building ($10,900)
  • Tarcutta Campdraft Club: Upgrading of water storage facilities and access ($11,007)
  • Riverina Environmental Education Centre: Water refill station installation ($7,000)
  • 1st Wagga Wagga Scouts: Installation of solar panels on Scout hall Dalman Parkway ($7,760)
  • South Wagga Rotary: Storage facility in cattle shed at Wagga Showground for club equipment ($9,150)

Water Conservation

  • The Bidgee School: Placement of two slim line tanks in greenspace for watering of fruit trees and vegetables ($2,613)
  • Erin Earth Limited: Irrigation project stage 1 including solar pumps, installation of water line from dam ($10,000)
  • Kooringal Abbeyfield: Water wise garden for 95m nature strip ($8,136.64)
  • Kurrajong Waratah: Hildasid Farm community gardens ($10,000)
  • Wagga Sensory Garden Ashmont Ave sponsored by FirstHealth Ltd: Water tanks off neighbouring Men’s Shed building ($8,500)
  • Lake Albert Cricket Club Inc: Installation of a Bluetooth programmable water control valve, piping and 6 in ground sprinklers ($6,501.68)
  • St Luke’s Preschool: Waterwise garden including irrigation systems and water tank ($5,172)

Arts and Culture

  • Peter Cox (sponsored by Eastern Riverina Arts): Script development for a play titled “A few quiet ales” ($7,242)
  • Booranga Writers’ Centre: Writing workshops with water theme to encourage and mentor local writers ($3,060)
  • Uranquinty Preschool: Exploring creating and art making with artist in residence ($5,300)
  • Multicultural Council of Wagga Inc: Storytelling workshop for young people through drama and literacy techniques – partnership approach with Monkey Baa Theatre company and Lost in Books ($7,000)
  • Friends of the Wagga Art Gallery: Kintsugi art classes and lectures ($2,414)
  • 4th Dimension Art & Wellbeing Practice (sponsored by Eastern Riverina Arts): Programmed sessions for disadvantaged youths teaching them to express themselves creatively rather than destructively ($4,590)