How to read your water bill
Understand the information on your bill
Front of the bill
Your account number, new bill amount and due date. Since 1 July 2023, all accounts have a suffix of -01, -02 etc.
Detail of your water usage charge, fixed charge for availability, balance brought forward and any additional information such as interest or pension rebates.
The property you are receiving the water bill for.
If you’re account is in credit, or you have a direct debit in place, a message will be displayed in this area advising you.
See your newly billed water usage in comparison to previous readings and the same time last year.
If you are paying by BPay or Australia Post Bill Pay, you will find the details in this area.
Back of the bill
Details of your meter reading and how usage charges are calculated. The meter readings section shows your recent meter reading and the previous reading, resulting in the kilolitres used.
Most meters are read quarterly. The days column shows how many days there were between your previous reading and this meter reading.
Your tariff code relates to what kind of property you have, for example this normal residential property in Wagga is Urban-Quarterly-Domestic.
See our Fees and Charges for more information on usage charges.
The charge details show how many kilolitres used against the current rate per kilolitre.
Most residential and commercial properties are on a stepped tariff, where the first 125 kilolitres are charged at a lower rate. Any usage above this is charged at a higher rate. See our Fees and Charges for more information.
Here you will find general information on charges, rebates and your water meter, along with the many different methods of payment.