Managing Agents, Landlords & Tenants

Everything you need to know as a managing agent, landlord or tenant in relation to your water account.

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Authorised managing agents or real estates acting on behalf of a Riverina Water customer and can update details online.

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Information for tenants

As a residential tenant you are generally responsible for water usage charges and your landlord or managing agent may supply you with an invoice or advise of the amount and due date.  

Most commercial tenants are responsible for paying the total water account (access and usage charges). However, this depends on the lease agreement with your property owner or managing agent.

Check with your landlord and managing agent as to your responsibilities and obligations as you are not a direct customer of Riverina Water.

Frequently Asked Questions

You need to confirm with the property owner (or their appointed agent) that the water meter will be read at the property you are vacating and at the property you are moving to.  This will ensure that you are only charged for the water that you use.

Meter readings at the beginning and end of each tenancy enable the property owner or agent to determine the volume of water used by each tenant and to bill them the correct charges.

We do not disconnect the water supply when a property is vacated, so water will be available to you at any property you move to. For more information contact us. 

No. As you are not a direct customer of Riverina Water in relation to the water account you are not authorised to make any changes to the account. This includes updating the postal address.

Your landlord will need to contact and advise us if they are authorising you to make changes on the account. 

Information for landlords

As an owner of a property, you are responsible for ensuring all charges levied on the account in relation to the water service are paid to Riverina Water.

As an owner of a residential tenanted property, depending on your lease agreement, you may be responsible for paying the quarterly access charge in relation to the water service and your tenants pay the relevant usage charges.

Most commercial tenants are responsible for paying the total water account (access and usage charges). However, this depends on the lease agreement with your tenant.

Check with your property manager as to how they manage your Riverina Water account. If you do not have an agent managing your property, you may need to collect the water usage charges directly from your tenant.

Frequently Asked Questions

A bill is issued 4 times a year, each one covering a period of 3 months

If your property is tenanted and there is an alternate address other than the property address, we will send a copy of the bill to the postal address on our account records.

Contact us to confirm these details.